Welcome back to another TGIF Challenge!! Can I just say "TGIF!?" Don't know about you, but its sure seems like its been a long week... But enough of my belly-achin'. I always enjoy writing this post because it reminds me that the weekend is right around the corner! That and I get to tell someone that they are the winner of our challenge from last week...and this week's talented winner is a veteran champion: Susanne Spath! ! Check out her project on our Winner's Circle Page! We will be posting our runners up on our Facebook Fan Page too so stay tuned...you just might see your card featured!
Onto the challenge...
This week we have a classic (not-so-classic) sketch challenge:
Being that it's the end of Summer, we have a "light" version of our design team this week...Vacations are being had, School is being prepared for, and Campsites are being camped in. BUT - while our team's attendance may be low this week, their super-cute designs sure pack a mean punch!! Check them out for yourselves:
Of course, the beauty of a challenge site is that you not only get to see what the Designers have made but you also get to play along!
You should go and check out our Guideline page for complete details, but here are a few things to keep in mind:
Deadline for entries will be at 10pm PST on Wednesday 8/19/15
Uploaded projects need to be direct linked to your blog, Facebook, or other on line gallery.
Please post the TGIFChallenge graphic on your blog and link back to our site
Your project MUST be new and inspired by our challenge parameters
When sharing your project publicly, please use this weeks hashtag- #TGIFC16
Winning project(s) will be posted on next week's challenge and placed on our Winner's Circle on Friday 8/21/15
Challengers can even post your cards on our FB page too!! "Like us" while you're there :-)
Now show us what you've got!!